Iceopals Jewelry Original designer jewelry featuring the best in precious metals and custom cut stones.
A great place for Web site advertising, mini-websites, full web site designing and hosting, message board community and more.
Wilcox Graphix Design Group was started in the fall of 1995 to provide the people of Scottsdale, Arizona and the surrounding areas with an inexpensive place for design needs.
Afghans by Hand Beautiful hand crocheted afghans, washcloths and gifts. These items are functional, beautiful and durable and will last for generations to come. launched in September of 2003 to provide small business owners and do-it-yourself webmasters with a place to get tips, advice and network with others in the same boat.
Environmental directory for Green Online Shopping & Resources Featuring +2,000 handpicked quality green links for a sustainable lifestyle.
Dr. Duke's This site is amazing! You can type in the name of a plant or physical condition, and it will give you the ethno botanical uses of the plant, or the plants that have chemical constituents which can help with the particular condition. Good for those with a big interest in herbalism and aromatherapy.
The Herb Research Foundation A source of accurate, science-based information on the health benefits and safety of herbs.
Aromatherapy Recipes Enjoy making one of these fine aromatherapy recipes, but be sure to follow all safety precautions.
A Flower Collection This site has a list of edible flowers, and recipes. Please use good judgment and don't eat anything that you don't know what it is.
Native American A wonderful Native American Site with recipes and more.
Nothing on this website is meant to be construed as medical advice. Please use all soaps with common sense: do not consume or get in eyes or nose. Keep out of reach of small children. We make no claims that our soaps are anything other than a skin cleanser. There is always the risk of allergies; if you experience rash or irritation, discontinue use. Due to the risk of irritation, bath additives are not recommended for prolonged use, or for use by children. Always use caution when using soaps or bath additives, as they do make the tub slippery. Certain essential oils and herbs are not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation, or if you have certain medical conditions; please consult a doctor for advice. Sumptuous Soap reserves the right to change selection and pricing at any time, though you are always assured of the highest quality.